Thursday, December 17, 2015


When people hear the word radical they almost immediately think of a muslim, as if only muslims can become radicalized. The fact of the matter is anyone of any faith, or those without it, can become radicalized. Yes, certainly muslims can be radicalized, but so too can Christians. We can look back to Torquemada and his inquisition, was he not radical? We can look to the protestant reformation in which protestants killed people, burned churches, disrupted services and even defacated in baptismal fonts. There are also more recent examples we can cite such as the Robert Lewis Dear, the planned parenthood shooter in Colorado, was he not radical? Jim Jones is also an example of radicalization, his radicalization, which consisted of a mix between Marxism and religion, resulted in him leading 918 people to drink cyanide laced kool-aid.

One would think that the problem is nothing other than religion, but that is not true. You can cite many dictators who were radical but were atheist. One example is of Benito Mussolini, a proud and staunch atheist and fascist who committed unspeakable atrocities in African nations, namely Ethiopia. There are also scientists who became somewhat radical in the sense that they used science to justify racism. Thomas Huxley was a proponent of this idea that the white man was superior to the black man saying, "It may be quite true that some negroes are better than some white men; but no rational man, cognisant of the facts, believes that the average negro is the equal, still less the superior, of the average white man."  While Huxley never went out and massacred anyone, these types of ideas led to radicalization of other people who did go out and massacre people, ideas like his essentially led to radicalization. This scientific racism had led to the massacre of the aboriginal people of Austrailia, it led to the African slave trade, or at the very least its justification. People were even put into human zoos for the white public to stand in awe of their supposedly lesser ancestor. Ota Benga is a fine example of this as he was captured and put into a human zoo. 

Radicalization can occur with anything, and it does occur when we allow ourselves to become too zealous in whatever it is that we believe, wether it be religion or some scientific or political ideology. We must remain grounded in reason in whatever it is we believe as not being moderate in anything can lead to one becoming radical and carrying out horrible atrocities. So please remember, radicalization is not something that is a product of islam, it is a product of the human being allowing themselves to become unhinged, not grounding themselves. Allowing themselves to become filled with emotion which turns into fervor. When this happens reason is thrown out the window and we begin justifiying horrible things to meet an end. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Slavery or Holocaust

Slavery, a word that conjures up images of blacks being chained and forced to do hard labor on the plantations of white slave owners. Is this term sufficient enough to describe the actual horror of the african slave trade? I say no, the word downplays what actually happened to africans. The word gives us the idea that people were merely taken from one place to another and forced to do work, but the real horror is far worse. For instance the godfather of gynecology, J. Marion Sims, often practiced new techniques on slaves without the use of any anesthesia or pain killers even remarking how strong africans were when it comes to pain. Yet when he would do procedures on white women, he used anesthesia and pain killers. The are other countless horrors, too numerous to mention unfortunately. There are instances in which white people would take slave babies and use them as alligator bait, hence the derogatory term "gator bait."

In Nazi Germany the jews were rounded up and forced into labor camps. They were forced to do labor, they were experimented on, they were tortured, and killed. The jews received reparations for this atrocity and this even is never downplayed. In fact in many countries you can be jailed for even denying the holocaust. Comparatively African-Americans received no reparations and their sufferings are downplayed as if their suffering wasn't all that bad. There is another term we could replace slavery with and that is holocaust. I think we should rename slavery the black holocaust, because that is exactly what it was. The term slavery, in my opinion, was used to downplay what actually took place and is therefore another slap in the face of the African-American. We should not follow suit in calling it merely slavery, we should call it what it is, a black holocaust. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Rethinking Marx

The question is not was Marx right or wrong, the question is what was he right about and what was he wrong about. Many Marxists today seem to view Marx as some sort of infallible pope who's ideas must be interpreted literally and applied brutally. I find Marx to be a brilliant mind, but I do not think he was right about everything, and that is ok. Ideas were meant to be built upon. Therefore we must take his ideas and build upon them, not continually reapply them.

There is more than one way towards a revolution not just through pure physical force. When the revolution is out matched militarily then it makes little to no sense to pursue that avenue. What makes more sense is slowly changing the system from within. Its like the frog in the boiling water. He was placed in there on a stove in lukewarm water. The temperature was slowly raised and he did not know it, before long he was boiling in water. This is the only avenue. A forceful revolution would not work, it would delegitimize the movement and the party in the minds of the people. We would be painted as dangerous anarchists looking to destroy the system and create chaos. If we work carefully we can vote for candidates that will bring us slowly towards our goal or get involved in the system ourselves looking to create change and slowly, but surely, change the hearts and minds of the people.

Marx believed that in a communist system religion would wither away and eventually die. Now this may be true but we have never actually witnessed it and in many instances communist leaders have tried to force its demise, which has only strengthened its resolve. I am not against all religion, in fact I think many religions are compatible with socialism and communism. What I do despise is false religion and what I mean by that is religion that has aligned itself with the capitalist system, which uses religion as a vehicle for monetary gain and to motivate people politically. These I find abhorrent and unacceptable. Religion is meant to guide people spiritually, its not meant to extort the people so the bourgeois preacher can live large, and it should in no way advocate that its people vote a certain way either. Its purpose is to guide you to God and nothing else. If religion and faith are products of evolution then they will wither away as we evolve, but this process should not be forced. Forcing someone to do or believe anything will only further entrench them in this belief.

If Marx was right about anything its capitalism. One of the most influential books in my life is Das Kapital. This awoke me to the reality that capitalism is a worse form of slavery than actual slavery. In fact the ancient Greeks found slavery to be more preferable than being a paid worker. I find it to be disgusting that someone labors tirelessly bringing in millions of dollars for a company and in return is not even paid a wage decent enough to live on. That is not a fair days work for a fair days pay, not in the slightest.

So, we must look at Marx practically and build on his ideas. Look at what he had right and what he had wrong and improve on that in order to perfect communism and its implementation. We cannot interpret Marx literally, we must interpret him practically and apply the revolution cautiously and according to the situation we are currently in.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Short Interview with Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Emidio "Mimi" Soltysik

  • So, my first question is. Why did you become a socialist?
  • Mimi Soltysik
    11/4, 11:57am
    Mimi Soltysik
    It's a long story that I'll try to make as short as possible. For the better part of my life, I really didn't care much for anything or anyone, including myself. I was incredibly self-destructive. At a somewhat early age, my health began to fail a bit, and I had to really confront sobriety. As I started to get some clarity, I think I began to understand how to love again. With love and clarity, socialism isn't far around the corner, in my opinion.
  • Austin James
    Austin James
    Is there anything specific about socialism that you identified with?
  • Mimi Soltysik
    11/4, 12:00pm
    Mimi Soltysik
    There is a lot specific about socialism that I identified with. Let's start with the idea of putting people before profit.
  • Austin James
    Austin James
    Now, you are the socialist party USA's candidate, and there is a lot of focus this election on socialism with Bernie Sanders campaign. What differs between Bernie Sanders "socialism" and yours?
  • Mimi Soltysik
    11/4, 12:05pm
    Mimi Soltysik
    We probably have different tastes in music. Also, I don't see him proposing worker control of the means of production. He seems to propose more of a social democrat, expanded welfare state approach. Essentially a more tightly-regulated capitalism. That's not going to cut it. Capitalism is inherently racist, sexist, and imperialist. A more tightly-regulated racism, sexism, and imperialism doesn't sound "socialist" to me. He can call himself whatever he wants, of course. But I think it's a good time to have this discussion.
  • Austin James
    Austin James
    So basically Sanders is trying to fix capitalism, not abolish it, by adding a bit of socialism to it?
  • Mimi Soltysik
    11/4, 12:08pm
    Mimi Soltysik
    Adding tighter regulation, creating a stronger social safety net, etc. Policies that I think a progressive Democrat or perhaps a social democrat would likely feel comfortable with, I believe.
  • Austin James
    Austin James
    Now, lets assume you became president, what are the first things you wish to accomplish?
  • Mimi Soltysik
    11/4, 12:10pm
    Mimi Soltysik
    As I said before, my first order of business would be to resign from office.
  • Austin James
    Austin James
    Well, I want to give the average american an idea of what would happen if socialism were implemented. Would there still be political parties, would our lifestyle improve or worsen, basically what could we expect if socialism were to be implemented?
  • Mimi Soltysik
    11/4, 12:14pm
    Mimi Soltysik
    We'd see democratic participation in our work and in our communities. We'd see worker control. We'd see socialized medicine. We'd see universal education. We'd see the incredible amount of money spent murdering people overseas being re-directed toward providing fundamental services.
  • Mimi Soltysik
    11/4, 12:15pm
    Mimi Soltysik
    Key here is, if socialism were to be implemented, it would happen from the bottom-up. Not from the top-down.
  • Austin James
    Austin James
    I see one of the major obstacles for socialism to be the overwhelming power and influence of big business, how can this hurdle be overcome?
  • Mimi Soltysik
    11/4, 12:18pm
    Mimi Soltysik
    When we've seen the people unite, we've seen how incredibly powerful they can be. I think we can both acknowledge the incredible power and influence of big business while also acknowledging the incredible power of the people. I think it's possible to be both practical and optimistic.
  • Austin James
    Austin James
    Do you think all this talk of socialism and Bernie Sanders makes it easier for the SPUSA to get people on board with socialism?
  • Mimi Soltysik
    11/4, 12:24pm
    Mimi Soltysik
    I think it definitely has created more opportunities to have a dialogue about the issues from a socialist perspective. That doesn't necessarily mean that Sanders supporters will initially be supportive of a socialist perspective, but it does offer possibilities, I think.
  • Austin James
    Austin James
    Is there anything else you would like to say before we end the discussion?
  • Mimi Soltysik
    11/4, 12:29pm
    Mimi Soltysik
    I definitely want to say "thank you" to everyone who has been supportive of the Campaign so far. It means an awful lot to Angela and I. It's been a humbling experience and we are incredibly grateful.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Wage Slavery

Lets suppose I want to produce a product and I have a large amount of money to invest in this to make sure that it happens. In order to produce this product I need to hire laborers to produce this product that I might be able to sell this product. Lets say I invest 1 million into this endeavor. I assume the financial risk in order to get this product produced and my laborers assume all the physical and mental risk that comes along with labor. Assuming this product is successful I will make money. Let us say in the first year I get a return of 5 million dollars. I have just made my money back and then some. Logically I would have to invest some of this back into the business to keep it growing. Let us assume this product really takes off, whatever it may be, and after a few years I have made over 50 million dollars. Now, I have already made back what I had put in to start the company, and after paying the initial cost of running the business I keep 25 million.

Is this fair? I am no longer risking anything financially and have not been the one actually producing the product. The laborers have continually placed themselves at risk in order to produce the product and without their labor there is no product, therefore there are no millions of dollars for me to pocket. Take Jimmy John Liataud who owns Jimmy Johns sandwich shop. The man is worth over 200 million dollars, yet he pays his workers minimum wage and in nearly every instance there are no full time employees so he can avoid paying any benefits. So on average most of his employees, if not all, work around 25 hours a week at approximately $8.00 an hour. So those people making his sandwiches and selling them, making him millions, are paid minimum wage and get no benefits. Those that actually do the labor are slaving for this man to make him millions while they make mere minimum wage. This is wage slavery. They do not make enough to pay bills or even work enough hours to get any sort of benefits. Yet this man has pocketed millions upon millions of dollars.

There are literally hundreds of examples of this. A CEO, board of investors, or owner make hundreds of millions of dollars while those that actually make the money don't even make enough to actually live off of. Those that actually make the million see little to none of that. If your labor results in millions or billions of dollars in profit you deserve to see some of that as without your labor there is no company. Without your labor there is no millions of dollars. Without your labor the CEO, the investors, all of them would have nothing.

Americans need to wake up to this fact and unite. Unionize to protect you from those willing to make millions of your labor and pay you nothing. Its time to stop voting for politicians who are bought and paid for and allow, if they are not totally complicit in, the sending of our jobs overseas. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Economic Morality

               Capitalists accuse Socialism of being immoral system in which people are forced to give money to those that do not have it. While Socialists also claim capitalism is immoral in that it creates extreme amounts of wealth for a small group of people while the majority live in increasingly impoverished standards. How can an economic system be moral or immoral, they are not human beings who can make a choice in the matter so how is that possible? I liken it to my days working in a laboratory. When someone had an infection we would swab the area and take that specimen and plate it. The only job of the plate was to be a suitable environment for bacteria to grow. So if the patient swabbed had an infection it would show after growing on this plate. Economic systems are no different, they are suitable environments for certain mentalities to grow. Capitalism grows selfishness. This is why so many people in the United States are opposed to socialized medicine, because they do not feel as if they should pay for the medical needs of anyone else. So those that can't afford medical care end up going without.

                 The strangest thing to me is that so many in the United States consider themselves Christian and are at the same time complaining about helping the least of their people. Is it necessary to force a Christian to help others? It certainly should not be, Christians should want to help and should be happy that everyone has access to medical care.

                 So capitalism is a suitable environment for selfishness. While the upper 1% have gotten more and more rich, the other 99% have become increasingly poor. But this selfishness is not just grown amongst the 1%, it is like a virus and has spread to everyone else. As the wage gap increases and things get more difficult I suspect this selfishness will increase, an every man for himself sort of mentality. People will look out for their own selves more and more. At some point this has to end. We will likely see more of our youth look at our current system in bewilderment and realize it is inhumane and selfish. I can only hope that the more selfish people become, the closer they will come to realizing this is wrong and change.

                So if capitalism grows selfishness what then does socialism grow? Socialism can only grow a love and respect for our fellow man. If our country became socialist tomorrow I can bet there would be quite a bit of opposition and negativity as there would be a lot of people losing out on their billions of dollars they rake in from the medical system or the for profit anything else this country has. But eventually that would wither away as people realized that things like socialized medicine actually save the country money and that it is far more humane of a system than capitalism. In socialism there is a Christian like morality in which we take care of one another, where we do not leave our brothers and sisters behind because they are economically worse off. In socialism we invest in all our youth rather than leave them behind to become a statistic and become eaten alive by the streets.

               What grows moral behavior? Socialism. If you believe that socialism is forced charity then you must ask yourself this question "Why do I need to be "forced" to give to charity?" 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

If only...

If every Christian were truly a Christian, then every Christian would be a socialist. 

Idols of Capitalism

                 Capitalism has many means with which to control and subjugate a population. At worst it uses physical force through military and or police forces, at best it uses very powerful but subtle propaganda. You can read Noam Chomsky "Manufacturing Consent" for more on that. This is about the idols which keep capitalism afloat and able to run on fumes for such a long time. That idol is hope. The idea that one day you will hit it big in hollywood or win the lottery. And the idols it uses are blasted to us through the media. Famous and rich people who have made it. And often these people tend to be simple, simple enough for us to believe that we are more sophisticated and therefore can do much better than them.

                  The greater the divide between rich in poor the more idols capitalism needs to seduce the people into thinking they will be the next big thing, or that they will strike it rich in some magical way. This is how capitalism survives, a magical dream like fairy tale that if you work hard enough, you too will be rich and famous. Our society is full of rich and famous people, and many famous for no good reason. And we are constantly updated about their lives and what they are doing. We are so enveloped in our envy for these people and their lives that we even allow them to influence our culture. Its a drug, or as Marx may say it is an opium of the masses for more dangerous or subversive than any religion.

                 Even as our capitalist system disintegrates into monopoly capitalism and the gap between rich and poor grows wider, people are still unwilling to confront the system. They are unwilling to stand up and say enough. Why? Because this hope exists that one day they too will be a millionaire and live large and worry free. Some people want this life so badly they don't even wait, they take on debt to accrue material things to make it look like they "made it." They create this facade so that others may look at them in awe and admiration, when in reality they have chained themselves with debt. They have made themselves slave, they have willingly taken on a master to attain this "good life." So we wonder, why don't people stand up? The idol of capitalism, hope, ensures that things can go really awry, that the system can continue to suck the people dry and they won't do a thing about it. Topple the idols, you have nothing to lose but your chains!